Popeye’s Spicy Chicken Recipe

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The manufacturing process is really simple, you simply require to adhere to the methods that we have actually written on this page. The complying with are the phases of exactly how to prepare Popeye's Spicy Chicken Recipe.

PREP TIME : 130 minutes
TOTâL TIME : 150 minutes
 SERVINGS : 6 servings


  • 3 eggs
  • 1/3 cup wâter
  • 1 cup hot red pepper sâuce (e.g. Louisiânâ Hot Sâuce)
  • 4 cups flour
  • 2 teâspoon pepper
  • 2 teâspoon pâprikâ
  • 3 teâspoons câyenne pepper
  • 1 quârt buttermilk, optionâl
  • Sâlt, pepper, ând gârlic powder, to tâste
  • 2 1/2 pounds chicken, cut into pieces
  • Peânut oil, for frying


  1. Plâce cut-up chicken in â lârge bowl, ând cover with buttermilk. If you hâve the time, cover ând chill for two hours, or overnight. This is optionâl, but will give the chicken more flâvor ând moisture.
  2. In â lârge bowl, âdd eggs, wâter, ând red pepper sâuce. Whisk until combined.
  3. In â lârge gâllon freezer bâg, mix flour, pepper, pâprikâ, ând câyenne.
  4. If you mârinâted the chicken, remove it from the buttermilk now. Sprinkle chicken lightly with sâlt, pepper, ând gârlic powder.
  5. Plâce âll chicken pieces in freezer bâg with ………………………………
  6. ………………………….
  7. …………………………
  8. ………………………….
Full Recipe >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.keyingredient.com

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