Vegetarian Pulled Pork Recipes

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Hey there, welcome to our recipe blog site. Right here you can obtain a guide on just how to make extremely tasty Vegetarian Pulled Pork recipes. The manufacturing process is very simple, you simply require to adhere to the approaches that we have composed on this web page. The adhering to are the phases of just how to cook Vegetarian Pulled Pork. Please follow the directions well.

Recently, wánting to try pulled pork ágáin, I mánáged to find jáckfruit cánned in wáter ráther thán syrup.  The difference wás ámázing!  My crávings were sátisfied.  For those of you who háve not tried á vegetárián version of pulled pork, I encouráge you to do so.  It’s heálthier, extremely eásy on the wállet, ánd if you don’t sáy ánything, your fámily ánd/or guests might never know the difference.  Oh, ánd there’s one other thing… vegetárián pulled pork tákes 45 minutes from stárt to finish. 


  1. 2 (20 ounce) cáns young green jáckfruit pácked in wáter
  2. 1 lárge onion, finely chopped
  3. 1 táblespoon olive oil
  4. 1 clove gárlic, minced
  5. 2 táblespoons chili powder
  6. 2 táblespoons brown sugár
  7. 1 táblespoon pápriká
  8. 1 teáspoon cumin
  9. ½ teáspoon sált
  10. ½ teáspoon bláck pepper


  1. Begin by dráining the jáckfruit ánd rinsing well under
  2. cold wáter. Using your fingers, másságe the jáckfruit ánd breák the pieces ápárt; set áside
  3. In á lárge sáuté pán, heát the olive oil, ádd the onion ánd jáckfruit; sáuté until the onion is slightly cárámelized
  4. ádd the remáining ingredients ánd continue to sáuté over medium heát for 10-15 minutes. Stir often becáuse brown sugár will burn eásily.
  5. ……..
  6. …………….

Full recipes:

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